Thursday, 16 July 2020

Challenge#126 Sea Shells

Welcome crafting friends! 

During this difficult and alarming pandemic, our thoughts
and prayers go to each and every one of you. 
Please do stay safe,  alert and well. 
Our aim is to challenge, maybe educate, but most definitely to
 encourage you to create cards for all the galz in your life.

Thanks to all those who entered Challenge # 125
We were thrilled and delighted with your entries.
There were so many worthy winners, which made it
so difficult to choose the  Top 3, which were chosen by Lynda.
We always appreciate your entries and love to read your kind comments.

Spotlight Winner:

#3 Renee B
" I really want to be in that scene 
celebrating with the happy couple"

Our Top 3 Winners
(in numerical order)

#6 A. Rose
' the vintage feel to this card. Simple but effective.'

#14 Janice
' very classy white on white '

#15 Teresa Q
' colourful bouquet with a luxurious feel'

 Please take your Top 3 badges (in our tab).

Now time for our next challenge, chosen by me, Caz

Challenge #126
Sea Shells

Thanks again for playing in our challenge!
If you would like to see more of the DT's inspiration
please click on their names on the side bar, 
we would love to hear from you.

Let's see the inspiration from the Design Team.








(on a short break)

To enter, click on the Blue In-Linkz below.

By entering these challenges you are giving your consent to your blog links 

being visible along with your name in the entries.
We will return with the winners and

our next challenge in two weeks time.


  1. Thanks so much for picking my card as the spotlight winner!

  2. Thank you for choosing my card as one of your top 3, and congratulations to the other winners!
