Thursday 31 January 2019

Challenge #89 Hearts (Red, Pink and White)

Our aim is to challenge, maybe educate, but most definitely to
 encourage you to create cards for all the galz in your life.
Thanks to all those who entered Challenge # 88 chosen by Donna F
Dimensional Elements
     We were thrilled with all of your entries, so pleased that so many
of you had enjoyed the challenge.  Donna,  who chose the winners
has said how there were many great cards,
again proving that  choosing winners is not an easy task.


Spotlight Winner
#4 Ans Gilbert

 Congratulations, please take a copy of the
Spotlight Winner's badge. (Tab above)

Our Top 3 Winners

(in numerical order)

#19 Deanne

#26 Jane Willis

#53 Lovely Linda

Congratulations! Please take your Top 3 badges (in our tab).

We always appreciate your entries and love to read your kind comments.
 May I remind you all entries must be orientated for GALZ, of any age, to receive.
Please enjoy and hopefully we can encourage you to participate.

Now time for our next challenge, chosen by Amy

Challenge #89

Hearts  --- We need to see colours
Red, Pink and White
We look forward to seeing your interpretations of our challenge

Thanks again for playing in our challenge!
If you would like to see more of the DT's inspiration
please click on their names on the side bar, 
we would love to hear from you.

Let's see the inspiration from the Design Team.




Donna F




Thanks to the team for their wonderful inspiration.

To enter, click on the Blue In-Linkz below.
We will return with the winners and our next challenge
in two weeks.
By entering our challenge you are giving your consent to your
 blog links being visable along with your name in the entries

Thursday 17 January 2019

Challenge #88 Dimensional Elements

Our aim is to challenge, maybe educate, but most definitely to
 encourage you to create cards for all the galz in your life.
Thanks to all those who entered Challenge # 87 chosen by Debbie
New Year, New Stash
     We were thrilled with all of your entries, so pleased that so many
of you had enjoyed the challenge.  Debbie, who chose the winners has
asked me to stress just how difficult it was,  being able to choose  only 4 winners.

Spotlight Winner
#4 Maryann

 Congratulations, please take a copy of the
Spotlight Winner's badge. (Tab above)

Our Top 3 Winners

(in numerical order)

#35 Colinda


#57 Jackie T

Congratulations! Please take your Top 3 badges (in our tab).

We always appreciate your entries and love to read your kind comments.
 May I remind you all entries must be orientated for GALZ, of any age, to receive.
Please enjoy and hopefully we can encourage you to participate.

Now time for our next challenge, chosen by Donna F

Challenge #88

Dimensional Elements
We look forward to seeing your interpretations of our challenge

Thanks again for playing in our challenge!
If you would like to see more of the DT's inspiration
please click on their names on the side bar, 
we would love to hear from you.

Let's see the inspiration from the Design Team.

Donna F








Thanks to the team for their wonderful inspiration.

To enter, click on the Blue In-Linkz below.
We will return with the winners and our next challenge
in two weeks.
By entering our challenge you are giving your consent to your
 blog links being visable along with your name in the entries

Thursday 3 January 2019

Challenge # 87 New Year, New Stash

Our aim is to challenge, maybe educate, but most definitely to
 encourage you to create cards for all the galz in your life.

Thanks to all those who entered Challenge # 86 chosen by Tammy
Non-Taditional Christmas Colours 
       The winners chosen by Tammy were announced in our previous
post, at the beginning of our holiday break. Please refer back if interested.

We always appreciate your entries and love to read your kind comments.
We are now returned and ready to continue giving you challenges
which, may I remind you must be orientated for GALZ, of any age, to receive.
Please enjoy and hopefully we can tempt you to participate.
Please welcome a new DT member
We are thrilled to have Varsha from India join the team.
Read more about Varsha on her blog at


So, time to get started , Debbie has chosen the first one for 2019.

Challenge #87
New Year, New Stash
Go on show us anything new since maybe Christmas time. 
Let's see the inspiration from the Design Team.




Donna F


Lise Mariann




Thanks to the team for their wonderful inspiration.

To enter, click on the Blue In-Linkz below.
We will return with the winners and our next challenge
in two weeks.
By entering our challenge you are giving your consent to your
 blog links being visable along with your name in the entries