Thursday 12 November 2015

Challenge # 7 Girly Bears

Our aim is to challenge, maybe educate, but most definetly we will  encourage you to create cards for all the galz in your life, for your family,  your friends and for those who may just need a 'Hello' card.

 We are all so appreciative and excited,  thank you for your entries and your support. Each week we will award Top 3 Winners badges and a  Spotlight Winner badge.

Here are the winners for Challenge #6  For a Teenager chosen by Babs

Spotlight Winner

#8 Jen L

Top 3 Winners

(in numerical order)

#1 Carrie's Custom

#4 Nana Connie

#9 Aunty Sue

Congratulations to all of the winners, please collect you
Spotlight Winner and Top 3 Badges from the tab bar.

Onto our next challenge chosen by Sharon

Challenge # 7

Girly Bears
The Design Team had fun with this challenge, it has been
so nice to find and create with pretty feminine teddy bears.
Let's see their creations.









My thanks to the Design Team, for their inspiration,

If you would like to visit them,  click on their details on the
side bar.  Plase read the rules and enjoy the challenge.
To enter click on the blue In Linkz below. 
We will return with a new challenge and our winners on
Thursday 19th November.  Thanks for joining us and
 for your comments they really do mean a lot .


  1. Thanks for picking my card for one of your top spots

  2. Thank you for choosing my card in the top 3! Congratulations to all the other winners, and great cards from the DT on the new challenge.

  3. Thanks so so much for my spotllight win! congrats to the other winners too!
    Jen L

  4. Oh, that's the perfect challenge for me - I'm a freaky Teddy fan ;-) Wonderful inspirations and creations from all DT!

    Hugs and many thanks for this sweet challenge :-)
